Eat Pork Meat/Food Cart
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Was thought as an action, installation, ambience and video project. One of the main ideas that would structure the work conceptually, was the action of making "Carnitas" (a dish consisting of pork meat cooked on its own lard) and have the audience eating it over pieces of art, creating a dialogue with the rest of the pieces from the exhibition about the moral, ethical, and artistic dilemma that all this implied.
The voracious consumerism represented by a pig, pigs (like many of the products consumed today) are produced indiscriminately, without obeying a true necessity of purchase, and instead of it, the consumption is forced through the huge supply and the distribution chains.
Pigs are produced and slaughtered wholesale, without any kind of morality to the pigs nor the consumers.
The act of consuming It deliciously is a ludic metaphor about seduction, pleasure and guilt.
In the Fiction proposed in the project EAT DIVINESS; EAT PORK MEAT is a food company, with all Its products derived from the pig, a complete corporation dedicated to the production, distribution and consumption of pork meat. This corporation (to McDonald's style) has an evil plan to dominate even more its consumers, to the point of turning them into human parasites.
EAT PORK MEAT would be like an small restaurant-franchise of this big corporation, that sells all kind of food derived from the pig, to be consumed, fiercely and deliciously, a machiavellian seduction with the hidden intention of turning them all into pigs (just like de little donkeys in the story of Pinocchio).
The relation with the voracious consumerism is evident, as a work of art, it also exposes the consumption of the Art product, in other words, EAT PORK MEAT and the food that is served on It, is a peace of art that is being devoured, by human parasites?, what kind of parasites or organisms are the ones who consume art so voraciously? Is this a nauseating market in which only overexploited artistic products are offered wholesale in order to satiate a voracious hunger?. In other words, EAT PORK MEAT is posed as a work of art to be consumed, and in the ludic action of doing it, It questions about the art Market.
In this sense EAT PORK MEAT is assumed as a mobile piece due to its nature (vending cart) and its vocation: to establish a dialogue with the place and environment in which it is installed. It is thought to be installed in places of voracious consumption of art: Museums, Galleries, but most importantly, art fairs. Looking with this to suggest the spectator and consumer in a veiled way, a commentary about what is "sold" in those places.
Attending an Exposition inauguration and suddenly coming across that pink ghost, a sordid road restaurant that would evoke some scene from a Lynch's film.