MonsterTrucK!!! is a principle, something like a manifesto. The monster trucks are created expressly to destroy and be destroyed in a spectacular show. Ludic, silly and free destruction. I think my artistic work is precisely to immolate myself while destroying. Creating a show with this.
What do Ñoño, Uncle Fester, Fred Flinstone, Divine, Buddah and Santa Claus have in common? The answer is difficult unless we fix our attention on one of their most obvious, heavy and rotund characteristics. Perhaps, in order answer this question, we need take a long trip.
First off, let's go back several thousand miles to the South. Dailies like El Clarín from Buenos Aires, Globo from Brazil or even El Mundo from Madrid, printed the news in their pages.
In a recent exhibition in Mexico City, where Patrick Mallow, "artist resident from England, presents his most recent work " the curator described in a video," the process in which he painted his idols from adolescence." Elsewhere in the virtual universe, Mallow describes himself as a heavy metal fan, "a painter who, considered himself a rock star” and "in his pieces he expresses the passion that provokes heavy metal and his favorite actors, taking it to the level of a fetish." However, this trip must begin where it began, in Ireland, a place where the artist, Peter Nagle (1974), takes his name from the patron saint of the Catholic boarding school where he completed his elementary schooling and the name of his hometown, to give birth to Mallow.
In reality (what is the reality at this point?) The character who embodies Patrick, was born in 1980 in Mexico City, the city where he lives and works under the name of Javier Pulido / MonsterTruck!!! Like his characters, he has, first of all, the appearance that can naturally represent the Fat Man, the stereotypical cliché of the chubby character and stupid eater, necessary in all respected TV comedy shows.
His artistic experiences are presented as a "linking sham" in which he combines academically impeccable paintings that are culturally heretical, parodic videos and actions in which the central theme is the effect of show business in society through lighthearted mockery of the fetishes of the music, television and art industries.
Necrophiliac, angry and funny, Mallow / Monster delights in recycling of images and cultural myths, creating fictional characters based on other fictional characters, and updating them through parody that appeals to the bowels of our visual memory, the nostalgia that has led to the success of the so-called reunion shows, and the paradox of investing mechanisms with symbols.